We strongly recommend to install the Vento A50 devices in pair, because when one device releases the air from the room, the corresponding device in the adjacent room brings in air which balances the air pressure in your room. For small spaces, we recommend using the Vento A30 DUO device because it includes two fans in the same device which corresponds to the same operation as two Vento A50 devices. However, the air flow is lower. For one room use the Vento A30 Duo.
No European or other ductless appliance cannot be Energy Star or Novoclimat certified. HVI responsible for certification testing does not have a program for ductless devices. Despite the superior energy efficiency and lower energy consumption of ductless appliances, they are not eligible for financial assistance programs for energy efficient appliances. Our representatives are working with HVI to find a solution.
Our products are very easy to install which makes them a product of choice to many DIY enthusiasts. We can advise you by phone if necessary.
We offer the possibility of performing the installation for you. We have our license from the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec. As each installation is different, the price varies for each situation. We also partner with professional installers. Contact one of our advisors to discuss it.
The answer to this question differs depending on the area your home is located. In general, we consider that one Vento A30 Duo unit is sufficient for an area of 500 square feet / 46 square meters, while for a pair of Vento A50 (or ECO2) units the floor area is less than 1,500 square feet / 140 square meters with 1 bedroom while a residence of 1,500 to 3,000 square feet / 140 to 280 M2 with up to 3 bedrooms requires 2 pairs of Vento A50 air exchangers.
It is also possible to combine a pair of Vento A50 and an A30 Duo in the case of a residence of less than 1,500 square feet and less than 1,500 square feet.
The Canadian Construction code refers to ASHREA Table 62.2 to determine the amount of air required for a residence.
Contact your municipality for more information on local requirements.
First of all, it is important to understand the difference between a heat recovery air exchanger (HRV) and an energy recovery air exchanger (ERV). As you browse the internet, you will find several definitions, but they all circle back to the same thing. An HRV or an ERV is the same equipment, the difference is in the recovery medium. The HRV will perform better in heat recovery, i.e. the temperature of the air you feel, while the ERV will sacrifice a little its heat recovery capacity and recover some of the humidity (the water drops in the air).
An ERV should be considered if you want to conserve the humidity of your indoor air during winter (if you have a humidifier for example) and limit the humidity coming from outside in summer (if your house is air conditioned) . The main purpose of ERV is to reduce the energy consumption of the humidifier and air conditioner.
The good news is that you don't sacrifice a thing by choosing a Vento ductless product. Despite the high level of heat recovery, the units also recover a portion of the moisture to making it an ERV.
The control of indoor humidity is done by changing the speed of the fans, too much humidity in winter we increase the speed and not enough we decrease.
Productair offers ventilation solutions for all types of buildings: detached house, condominiums, multiple dwellings, Cottages, Coach House and Tiny-houses.
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